Rule 34 Writers: Time to get some fun
Rule 34 Writers: Time to get some fun
14 years old
Parece la evolucion del pokémon Voltorb
LOL =D .
Feliz año nuevo
Muchas gracias amigo mio =3 .
Para estar hecho en paint, esta bastante bien, te recomiendo usar Paint 3D porque me di cuenta que usas muchas formas y en Paint 3D es mas facil de hacer
Lo usaria, pero como casi nunca uso paint 3D, tengo que acostunbrarme y aprender a usarlo correctamente =P .
What program do you use to make the animation?
I use a website called Scratch to animate! The recording software I use is Bandicam!
Mini-island: *Starts singing monochrome*
I actually made a Satori Monochrome cover over on my YouTube!
He is on his way to develop Spidermans
to do the final blow
The cats be like: If you don´t do the dissection right now, we will make you look like the cats that you have in the back of the room.
It's amusing to watch him sweat profusely like that :))
He only wants to hug him ;[
Pd: Poor boy, he gets hurt in all the drawing #freesinnykitboy
Mwahaha >:)
So ... if I make you a Fanart, you make me a fanart ... interesting
That's how I work pretty much
Soviet Tank
Matar demonios
Shrek Pizza
Planeta Marte
Joined on 3/19/21